huhuu, no.. it didn't sound like that!
-mount merapi eruptions in Yogyakarta, 26 & 1 & 4 October 2010-
Since the first day I'm here (around August 2007), I watch the beautiful active volcano whenever I have the chance, specially when the weather is good, sunny, and when it's not covered by the white mountain clouds nor the smokes coming from its top. Well, I must say that, it was such a blessing to have a chance studying here in the 'high risk' area, alhamdulillah. Why?, because of the priceless experiences!
Naahh, this photo is marvellous, isn't it?! Credits to my fellow friend, Nurul Izyan for taking such a good one. It was taken a day after eruption on 1st nov 2010, 10:10, from her rooftop, at 6.45am, 2nd nov 2010.
It's just the same with how beautiful it was when I saw the volcano almost every day I'm here, in the past 3 years. True.
However, I remembered those days. Now, I present to you... my story of Merapi eruption. *smile*
--- 26th of October 2010 ------- ----------
It was tuesday. News has been spread, that Merapi may erupt, soon, very soon. Even days before, I saw the video of animals like monkeys went down from the highlands of the mount Merapi, in the local online news. We were told to prepare. Yes, since the day I heard that Merapi is getting more active day by day, I've already put aside my important documents together, specially my pasport. That night, we watched the television. Breaking News!... Merapi had just erupted that day, in the evening. The real scene shown in the TV is quite not a pleasant scene to be watched, or even experienced. I'll put some more pictures in a gallery-like post later (to give you preference so you may choose whether you want to see them or not, for some of the pictures are bit 'extreme' for some people...) Oh Allah dear God, help us please. Starting that night, we slept in some fear and worries.
--- 30th of October 2010 ------- ----------
It was saturday. I woke up. I reached for my handphone, wow, around 7 messages from last night! (oh, must be 'tidur mati', huhu) Most of them were the relay messages, informing us to not go anywhere, stay inside the house if any way possible, for the ashes from volcano had affected our housing area (well, we're living around 27-30km away from the center of the volcano). I looked out of my windows. I was shocked! The grey ashes had covered the rooftops of our house! (I'm living upstairs) Haha, excited to see the 'grey snow' phenomenon, I quickly went out of my bedroom, searching for my friends. Most of them were none in their bedroom. Went downstairs. Oh great, they're having some photoshooting moments in the backyard of our house. Haha, some happiness despite the volcanic ash rain last night... and oh, we had just realized that we've got Pendidikan Agama Islam at 10 am! Off to the class.....
--- 31st of October 2010 ------- ----------
It was sunday. Today got a 'ceramah' session, held by UPIMI, in the campus. And it was my turn to go buy our household groceries. Better buy now before the condition got worse, who knows, wallahua'lam. Went out with a housemate to the SuperIndo Mart by taxi, bought some extra chickens, double the usual quota of our groceries. Hoho! Then, quickly wore the face mask, a jacket (forgot where the raincoat is, hehe) & rode the motorcycle to the campus for the event. (the road was soooo dusty & 'ash'y) In the middle of the 'ceramah', we were told to go outside of the hall to meet & receive something from the 'Pegawai Kedutaan Malaysia' or the Malaysian Embassy Officer. Owh, they were giving away the face masks & eye drop solutions to us, the Malaysian students. Haa, and there were some reporters & photographer, from TV3 maybe (correct me please if I'm wrong). Hmm, what a day. [pic: those were my friends Atikah Na'aim in the center, and Fazrul Basir in yellow 'baju melayu']
It was saturday. We spent some time there. Fortunately one of our friends did bring her laptop so we watched some movies during the day, while waiting before going to the airport in the evening to fly home with a Hercules. Hee, I mean the Royal Malaysian Air Force green, huge airplane. Total of 3 RMAF airplanes used for this mission, to send us back home, yeay! As seniors, and healthy persons, most of my batchmates and I had to take our turns in the last (third) flight. Departed around Isyak, 4 hours-long journey. Alhamdulillah anyway, that was such a great experience! [pic: among the earliest flights, I'm not there yet. My flight was at night]
(backyard & rooftop, from upstairs)
(when 'daun-daun sireh' covered by the ashes)
--- 31st of October 2010 ------- ----------

--- 1st of November 2010 ------- ----------
It was monday. Classes scheduled as usual. Most of us wore face masks in the outdoors (it's a must! or we'll be inhaling those tiny-but-dangerous volcanic ash & dusts). During my breaktime, me and some of my friends were told to quickly go upstairs to the highest floor in the lecture hall building, so that we can watch the Merapi erupting again, from there, right on that time. Hmm, Merapi coughed again. Ohoh, yes, we managed to watch it, the smokes were huge. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my handphone (how can it be lah that I forgot the most important thing in those 'beware!-period', so disappointed). So, I can't take any pictures from my own phone camera that time. Yet, I felt blessed to get the experience.
--- 4th of November 2010 ------- ----------
It was thursday. Past few days, heavy rains came down, washed away lots of the ash & dusts. Alhamdulillah, felt like the outside's atmosphere a bit clearer than before, eventhough still have to wear the face mask. Classes as usual. However, my hearts felt a bit different this time. Sometimes I felt like there were minor earthquakes, but I'm not very sure whether they were just my 'feelings' or whatsoever (but my housemate Affiza Zainuddin did felt the same, as usual, haha). Thunders roaring from the evening till the time I went to bed, continuously, slowly but surely. I'm afraid that weren't just any thunders, but who knows they were the sounds from Merapi.
--- 5th of November 2010 ------- ----------
It was friday (I love Juma'at!). Woke up at around 2-3am. My housemates told me to prepare, in case anything worse happen, because Merapi had just erupted again, and they had felt some earthquake at around the time merapi erupted again. The earthquake bigger that those minor earthquakes I've mentioned above. Oh, I didn't feel that ('tidur mati' again I think, huhu!). Went downstairs to watch any 'Breaking News' available at that time, early in the morning. Yes, the news confirmed it. However, because of the worse condition near the Merapi, it seems like any predictions proved by geological data cannot be made that time, as even the officers in charge there had to evacuate with the others. That's what I've heard, sorry and please correct me if I'm wrong.
While watching the news, suddenly we heard the sounds like, rain, but a bit different. Curious to find out, we went out to our backyard. I put my hands in the air, to feel the raindrops. Weird. No raindrops. We suspect something. Needing a prove, I took a piece of handkerchief and put it on my palm. Ahaa, gotcha. There were tiny little stones or what we call 'batu-batu kerikil yang kecil', with each sizes around 1-2mm, black colored. I put the handkerchief outdoors, with the intention to take some sample of it in the morning after the sun rise. [pic: 'hujan batu' pic taken at Tugu Jogja, a famous landmark in Jogja.. pic source: internet]
Woke up again. List of relay messages, as expected. Oh, got ash rain again last night. Went to the backyard to collect the handkerchief. Haha, unfortunately, I can't see any of the little stones anymore, for the handkerchief had been covered by the ash. Hmm, nevermind. My housemates and I had our breakfast, as Atikah had cooked some nice porridge for our housemates. We ate while watching the news, and discussing the matters, including whether there will be any classes today, and whether we'll be sent home (Malaysia) or not, because this time, the eruption is bigger and the conditions were getting even more serious and dangerous.
Suddenly, one of our housemates from the upstairs yelled, and told us to prepare immediately for evacuation, as she got the evacuation message earliest. We might evacuate to Solo (around 60km from Jogja) and stay there for few days till conditions here got better. Changed our clothes. Checked the documents for immigration and the emergency bags. Went to the campus by motorcycles (it's too dusty and 'ash'y to walk outside!) to gather with other Malaysian students here. After a long wait, we went there by bus. 10 buses! It took around 3 hours till we reached Fortuna Hotel in Solo and stayed there, as 'para pengungsi', hoho.
That night we were told that we might be sent back to our homeland (Malaysia). Seriously, I felt so adventurous this Juma'at! Hihi.
--- 6th of November 2010 ------- ----------

--- 7th of November 2010 ------- ----------
It was sunday. We arrived in RMAF Base in Subang around 12.20am. Greeted by Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Senator A. Kohilan Pillay and all related people, including JPA & Mara Officers. Then, we continue our journey back home with our parents (for those living nearby) and some by ourselves (because of the long distance). Alhamdulillah.
Thanks to Dr Junaidy, Encik Ludinata and all other officers including those related personnels & ministries in Malaysia and Indonesia. Not to forget PKPMI-Jogja and PKPMI-Solo, thanks very much indeed. Also, thanks to whoever prayed for our safety. Alhamdulillah.
note1: Last wednesday, 1st December 2010, my friends and I went to one of the Camps for the Merapi Victims, in Maguwoharjo, Jogja. It's a big stadium, 3 floors, with total number of refugees has been decreased to around 4 thousands people (only in that camp, not including other camps in another places). Oh, may Allah ease their burdens, amin.
note2: Today, 3rd December 2010 (we've back to jogja already)... the thunders were still heard, but mayb it's just from the rainy season. Merapi status has been lowered down from 'awas' to 'siaga' too. So, alhamdulillah.
For anybody kind enough to lend a helping hand, or to give some donations for Merapi victims, you can do so. How? You may refer some of the ways possible I've listed in my previous post here. Thanks!
Knowledge is power.
and He is the Most Powerful, for He knows everything
A nice story told :)
thanks william :)